Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ayat - ayat Cinta

Akhirnya slese juga slese'in niy buku, entah ada angin apa ya kok aq betah banget untuk baca niy novel.padahal aq niy males bgt am yg bacanya "Novel", gmn ngk dah halamannya banyak bgt isinya tulisan smua ( boring..... ). aq niy orangnya suka baca buku yg ada gambarnya, ya itupun ngk semuanya aq baca :p

Habiburrahman El Shirazy emang pinter bgt klo nulis niy novel, ato mungkin dianya dah pengalaman bgt kali ya. banyak cerita di buku ini yg membuat aq kembali teringat akan kuasa Allah. dimana banyak sekali kejadian-kejadian di cerita ini yg membawa kita akan isi dr Al-qur'an serta makna-makna cinta yg terkandung didalamnya.

Klo dilihat memang kisah Cinta di buku ini sangatlah berbeda dng kehidupan cinta dizaman sekarang ini yg bisa dikatakan sudah "Ancur....". gmn ngk muda-mudi sekarang bisa dikatakan sudah kehilangan rasa malu mereka semua, didepan umum mereka sudah blak-blak'an bermesraan berdua-duaan, dan masih banyak lagi yang pasti kalian smua dah tau kan ....

bnyk puisi, sajak, kata2 cinta dibuku ini yg menyentuh hati bgt ;)
Namamu tak terukir
Dalam catatan harianku
Asal usulmu tak hadir
Dalam diskusi kehidupanku
Wajah wujudmu tak terlukis
Dalam sketsa mimpi-mimpiku
Indah suaramu tak terekam
Dalam pita batinku
Namun kau hidup mengaliri
Pori-pori cinta dan semangatku
Kau adalah hadiah agung
Dari Tuhan

Oh ibu, jika engkau adalah matahari, aku tak ingin datang malam hari. Jika engkau adalah embun, aku ingin selalu pagi hari. Ibu, durhakalah aku, jika ditelapak kakimu tidak aku temui sorga itu.


aku adalah lumpur hitam
yang mendebu
menempel di sepatu dan sandal
hinggap di atas aspal
terguyur hujan
masuk comberan
siapa sudi memandang
atau mengulurkan tangan?
tanpa uluran tangan Tuhan
aku adalah lumpur hitam
yang malang


Di dalam surga-surga itu ada bidadari-bidadari yang baik-baik lagi cantik-cantik. Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan. Bidadari-bidadari yang jelita, putih bersih dipingit dalam rumah.
Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan.


Sebaik-baik isteri adalah jika kamu memandangnya membuat hatimu senang, jika kamu perintah dia mentaatimu, dan jika kamu tinggal maka dia akan menjaga untukmu harta dan dirinya.


agar dapat melukiskan hasratku, kekasih,
taruh bibirmu seperti bintang di langit kata-katamu,
ciuman dalam malam yang hidup,
dan deras lenganmu memeluk daku
seperti suatu nyala bertanda kemenangan
mimpikupun berada dalam
benderang dan abadi

Dibalasnya dgn :

alangkah manis bidadariku ini
bukan main elok pesonanya
matanya berbinar-binar
alangkah indahnya
mawar merekah di taman surga


Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?
Seakan-akan bidadari itu seperti permata Yajut dan marjan.
Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?
Tidak ada balasan kebaikan kecuali kebaikan pula.


Aisha says :
agar dapat melukiskan hasratku, kekasih,
taruh bibirmu seperti bintang di langit kata-katamu

Fahri says :
ciuman dalam malam yang hidup,
dan deras lenganmu memeluk daku
seperti suatu nyala bertanda kemenangan
mimpikupun berada dalam
benderang dan abadi


Sayang, tancapkan dalam hati
walau tak kini
esok insya Allah terjadi
kita akan bulan madu lagi
berkali kali
lebih indah dari yang telah kita lalui
apalagi di sorga nanti
walau tak kini
esok insya Allah terjadi
selama cinta kita tak pernah mati
selama iman masih terpatri dalam diri


“Ya Allah kekalkan cinta kami di dunia dan di akhirat. Ya Allah masukkan kami ke dalam surga Firdaus-Mu agar kami dapat terus bercinta selama-lamanya. Amin.”


Kutitipkan secuil asa
Kau berikan selaksa bahagia
Kuharapkan setetes embun cinta
Kau limpahkan samudera cinta


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Meaning of love ( Signification de l'amour )

" Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force youself to fall, you just fall "
« Ne pas trouver l'amour, laisser la trouvaille d'amour vous. C'est pourquoi il a appelé être amoureux parce que vous ne forcez pas le youself pour tomber, vous chute juste »

" I love you not because i need you, But i need you because I Love You... "
« Je t'aime pas parce que j'ai besoin de toi, mais j'ai besoin de toi parce que je t'aime… »

" Lucky is the man who is first love a woman, But luckieris the woman who is the last love a man "
« Chanceux est l'homme qui est d'abord amour par femme, mais les luckieris la femme qui est le dernier amour un homme »

" Never love a love that hurts, never hurt a love that loves "
« Ne jamais aimer un amour qui blesse, ne blessent jamais un amour qui les amours »

" You came from no where, and in no time got close .... , not to me, but to my heart "
« Vous êtes venus de l'aucun où, et en un rien de temps a obtenu étroit…. , pas à moi, mais à mon coeur »

" When two friend fall in love they learn they are meant for each other. When they fall out of love they realize they want to keep each other forever "
« Quand chute de deux amis dans l'amour qu'ils apprennent ils sont signifiés l'un pour l'autre. Quand ils tombent hors de l'amour ils réalisent qu'ils veulent se garder pour toujours »

" Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may escape but what's in your heart will remain forever "
« Une fois que vous avez aimiez, vous aimerez toujours. Pour ce qui est dans votre esprit peut s'échapper mais ce qui est à votre coeur restera pour toujours »

" All my life i was affraid that i would never find love ..... and now that i've found it. I'm affraid that i will lose it "
« Toute ma vie j'étais affraid que je ne trouverais jamais l'amour ..... et maintenant que je l'ai trouvé. Je suis affraid que je le perdrai »

" It breaks youre heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else ..... but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you "
« Il brise le coeur de youre pour voir que celui que vous aimez est heureux avec quelqu'un d'autre ..... mais il soit plus douloureux de savoir que celui vous aimez est peu satisfait de toi »

" We laughed until we had to cry, we hugged right down to our last goodbye. We were the best we'll ever be. Just for a moment, you and me "
« Nous avons ri jusqu'à ce que nous ayons dû pleurer, nous avons étreint avalons bien à notre dernier au revoir. Nous étions les meilleurs que nous serons jamais. Juste pour un moment, toi et moi »

" I may not get to see you as often as i like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all trough the night. But deep inside in my heart i know, this is for real and no matter what. I'll always love you "
« Je peux ne pas obtenir de vous voir aussi souvent comme je voudrai. Je peux ne pas obtenir de vous tenir dans des mes bras toute la cuvette la nuit. Mais profondément à l'intérieur à mon coeur je sais, c'est pour vrai et n'importe ce que. Je vous aimerai toujours »

" There are so many star in the sky only some get noticed, among those you choose ignore is the one which willing to shine for you forever even if you glance remained elsewhere "
« Il y a ainsi beaucoup tiennent le premier rôle dans le ciel seulement qu'une partie obtient notée, parmi ceux vous choisissez ignorez est celui qui voulant briller pour toi pour toujours même si vous jetez un coup d'oeil resté ailleurs »

" It take a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour yo like someone, and a day to love someone. But it takes a life time to forget someone "
« Il prise par minute pour avoir un écrasement sur quelqu'un, un yo d'heure aiment quelqu'un, et un jour pour aimer quelqu'un. Mais cela prend un temps de la vie pour oublier quelqu'un »

Monday, September 24, 2007


Love is .......
what gives you a smile from ear to ear

Love is .......
More powerful than words

Love is .......
Knowing he/she is the one

Love is .......
Giving him/her some space of this town

Love is .......
When you're the only two people in the world who matter

Love is .......
Being his inspiration

Love is .......

Love is .......
Feeling secure in his arms

Love is .......
Like a breath of mountain air

Love is .......
When he/she starts recitting poetry by moonlight

Love is .......
When your thoughts are only about each other

Love is .......
Closing the gap

Love is .......
The human equation

Love is .......
Being tied by heartstrings

Love is .......
Happily going gray,together

Love is .......
Someone to share those special moments with

Love is .......
Constant in a changing world

Love is .......
Pitting each other first

Love is .......
Saying a prayer for him/her when he's away

Love is .......
When all his pin-ups are of you

Love is .......
Seeing the good in him/her,as well as the 'not'so good

Love is .......
Caring about him/her in spite of his temper

Love is .......
When your heart is king

Love is .......
Having you beside me all the way

Love is .......
When it's all candlelight,dinner and roses

Love is .......
Giving her most of the umbrella to save her hairdo

Love is .......
When your temperature rises,but you feel great

Love is .......
When shopping together is fun

Love is .......
A happy family vacation

Love is .......
The best gift of all

Love is .......
Telling him/her God doesn't make like him/her someone

Love is .......
Wanting to give her the moon and the stars

Love is .......
Making a dream team

Love is .......
Sitting doing nothing,together

Love is ......
Keeping a watchful eye on his weight

Love is .......
Hopeing the bubble won't burst

Love is .......
When time seems to melt away when you're together

Love is .......
Thingking about starting a family on your own

Love is .......
Sharing things money can't buy

Love is .......
What shapes a happy family

Love is .......
The three of us,together

Love is .......
Two hearts beating as one

Love is .......
Dreaming of being together

Love is .......
Working overtime to get the money for his birthday present

Love is .......
Your comfort zone

Love is .......
Being where she/he needs you,when she/he needs you

Love is .......
Keeping track of his relatives' birthdays

Love is .......
When he/she gets romatic

Love is .......
Holding her hand during take off and landing

Love is .......

Love is .......
Planning a surprise birthday party for him

Love is .......
Being sweethearts since childhood

Love is .......
Helping him/her keep his spirits up

Love is .......
When you can't get him/her out of your hair

Love is .......
Comforting someone

Love is .......
A relationship that bursts into bloom

Love is .......
Saying...."Hello !"

Love is .......
What makes every day a joy

Love is .......
The harvest you've always dreamed of

Love is .......
When he says "momma" and "papa" for the first time

Love is .......
Getting endearing text messages from him/her

Love is .......
When he/she phones to send you kisses

Love is .......
Wanting to talk to him/her for hours

Love is .......
Wondering why he/she doesn't ring you every hour

Love is .......
Discovering "WOW" factor

Love is .......
When it's still like it was when you first met

Love is .......
That first shy kiss

Love is .......
A simple gesture so full meaning

Love is .......
Not asking about the price

Love is .......
A union made in heaven

Love is .......
When he/she whispers sweet nothing in your ear

Love is .......
When you know without doubt who your "Valentine" is

Love is .......
Being a good listener

Love is .......
What makes you fell like millionares

Love is .......
When he/she makes you fell ten years younger

Love is .......
When he/she willingly goes back for something you forgot

Love is .......
When every hour together is very precious

Love is .......
When words are no needed

Love is .......
When 'you' and 'me' become 'us'

Love is .......
The greatest gift you can give a child

Love is .......
Listening to romantic music together

Love is .......
Watching for a shooting star,together

Love is .......
A push in the right direction

Love is .......
A goodnight call

Love is .......
When it doesn't get much better than this

Love is .......
There for those who are prepared to seek it

Love is .......
Wishing i could post me to you

Love is .......
Snuggling up together around a campfire

Love is .......
Someone who is on your mind and in your heart

Love is .......
Having your dearest nearest

Love is .......
Finding it hard to keep you feet on the ground

Love is .......
Keeping your heart in good shape

Love is .......
Giving up smoking so you can together longer

Love is .......
Not looking away secrets from each other

Love is .......
Holding your future in your arms

Love is .......
Sometimes making do with a photograph

Love is .......
letting someone into your life

Love is .......
What makes each day special

Love is .......
A dream you do not want to wake up from

Love is .......
When it's springtime all year